I'm a mom to three kids. I'm a stay at home mom. Really, though, I'm not since most of my time is on the road taking said kids to school and back every day. So I guess you could say I'm a stay in the car mom? Or a sometimes at home mom, sometimes in the car mom?
Anyway, my life as a mom began 3.5 years ago, when DJ and Trevor were born. I do believe I have two of the most energetic children ever to walk this earth. They are perpetual motion. And smart, which is not always a good combination. My daughter Emily is 2, and unfortunately for us, is the toddler version of her mother. She, too, is perpetual motion and very smart. A triple whammy.
I am sometimes called Super Mom or Super Woman because of the load on my proverbial plate. All three of my kids were preemies and spent time in the NICU (let me plug Maine Medical Center's Level III NICU here as well as the March of Dimes as without either of those organizations, none of my children would be here today). As a result of the premature births, however, all three have had developmental delays. DJ has been diagnosed with autism as well. Trevor also has what is called a nonverbal learning disorder (NLVD). He has problems processing language and answering questions, although somehow, he understands when Dora or Diego ask questions, sometimes in Spanish too (no, I'm not kidding).
My life has been one fight after another in the last few years and I have learned how hard you must advocate for your children when they need services (developmental, speech, occupational and physical therapies).
I have been told that I need to write a book. Well, that will never happen, and I doubt how interesting it would be. So instead of a book....here's a blog.
And yes, for those of you who know me well, I actually figured this out (well so far).